What I have been…

Watching: Lately, I have been taking serious advantage of my HBO GO subscription. I have started watching Enlightened…don’t really know how I feel about it. I am getting more and more intrigued…I will keep you posted. I have also been watching SNL and The Carrie Diaries (so bad it’s good).

Listening: I am really into playlists that contain songs that I was really into in high school. So..there’s that.

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Doing: Thursday I went to watch Natalie and Janelle speak about social media and the news. It was so interesting! What I have been… Feb. 24, 2014 57 What I have been… Feb. 24, 2014 52 What I have been… Feb. 24, 2014 51

Friday: Capitol Theatre is the coolest:

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Last night Kyle’s parents went out of town and so he had a little party and invited J and I to go! It was so much fun – I haven’t stayed up that late in a long, long time.

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(pabst-mirror…see what I did there?) What I have been… Feb. 24, 2014 What I have been… Feb. 24, 2014  2 What I have been… Feb. 24, 2014 92

Glittery snow + almost full moon. Awwwooooo!

Life is good. What have you been up to?