I had a seriously hard time focusing at work due to my overwhelming excitement that I am FLYING HOME! After six months I am going to get to squeeze my baby bear, drive my car, go through my storage unit, see my friends and fam and eat a Greek Souvlaki.

Ooooooh yeah. I left work and headed with my stuff to the catch the 6 to the E train at 53rd. The train was delayed causing a serious pile up of people.

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I tried not to panic (I mean, I gave myself 5 hours to get to my gate)…but I decided to ditch the subway and just take a cab to 53rd. It took me 20 mins to get a cab! No one would take me up to 53rd. I was like:


Anyways, I finally caught a cab and was on my way! I traveled to JFK with a work friend who is also going home for Thanksgiving – it was so nice. I got to my gate SUPER early so naturally I painted my nails and watched the latest Sons of Anarchy epi. Then my flight go delayed 🙁

We took off almost 2 hours late. I sat by the window and marveled at the clouds and stars – it was so pretty! I wish that my phone could’ve captured it. Anyways, I landed at 1:20a.m. and Jackie told me she would pick me up – I may or may not have ran from my gate to baggage claim. That is where I spotted this:

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It’s good to be home!


p.s. Jes, Jackie and I ended up going to the pie until 3:30a.m. Jackie works at Starbucks and had to open that morning – she had to work at 4:30a.m.