Last first day

(hopefully). Yesterday was my last first day of school! I started my last semester at the University of Utah. My schedule is going to be INSANE this semester (hence the “hopefully”). I am feeling pretty optimistic that I am going to kick it’s ass, but who knows.

I am finishing up my remaining classes and also doing a 16 hour p/week internship with KSL. I am going to be working on social media in the News department. Definitely going to be a change of pace, but I am really looking forward to it.


I have a thing for taking a back to school picture of myself (I know, I know). I believe that I have officially taken the CREEPIEST one of all time:

creepiest photo of al time - back to school jan 8, 2013

I am trying to improve my writing skills, and thus am being fully entertained by Eats, Shoots & Leaves. IWISHIWASENGLISHSOBAD:

Last first day - Jan 9, 20132

Today, I went to Trader Joe’s (oh boy) and got two bagfuls of stuff.

Last first day - Jan 9, 20133


I am in love with everything I got. Especially this:Last first day - Jan 9, 20134

After getting home and picking up two big packages (more on that later) from the office in my apartment building, I ran out of a hands and a neighbor of mine carried my package all the way to my apartment for me! How nice of him, right? Thanks, #215.

Tonight in my Politics and Persuasion class, we had a quiz at the end. One of the questions asked who the Vice President was…I honestly spent 3 minutes thinking of what his name was! All I could think of was his huge teeth, Dick Cheney, and Osama Bin Laden. Weird, right? I wrote all of those answers down before scribbling in all caps, JOE BIDEN. It’s going to be a great semester.



Today I…

-Made it through my third day of school.
-Got signed off for graduation by my advisor for Spring 2013. (wooooooo!)
-Had a serious love attack for my sweet nieces + nephews who all started school this week (one started high school! how old am I?)
-Bought a crockpot and two cookbooks.
-Spent an INCREDIBLE amount of time perusing cooking blogs.
-Facetimed with my beautiful friend Kate who moved to San Diego.
-Stubbed my toe and tripped walking up the stairs going to my apartment.

Pretty good Wednesday all around.



Last week/weekend I:

Went to Sundance with Melinda and saw John Forte and Natasha Bedingfield:

Did a facemask:

Laughed at Jackie’s parking job:

Went to a concert at Sugar in Sundance with Stefanie & friends:

Laughed my ass off at my cousin Megan’s instagram picture from the subway:

Took a picture of the kid that came twenty minutes early to class just to sit on the end of the row: