And so the graduation celebration begins!

Let’s just start with saying that yesterday I turned in my last college final:

mass comm law final 2013Wahoo! I hit submit online and then immediately lit my mass comm law book on fire…just kidding…I blasted School’s Out For Summer by Alice Cooper and just let it all sink in. Feeeeeeels good.

My parents flew all the way from Guatemala to come to my graduation – first stop commencement. During the day, I went shopping with my M&D. We went into Seagull book and mom brought me this and said “Here is your graduation present”:

cutest mom aliveThen my dad asked the lady at the register if they were hiring. HILARIOUS.

Later on in the day, Andrea (my former co-work from Bath and Body and math tutor) and I headed up to campus to get in line for commencement:

IMG_0289I signed the U:

IMG_0287Here are some pics from throughout the night:

DSCN2672My friend James from High School:
DSCN2679 DSCN2683 Walking into the center:DSCN2688IMG_0296It was a really great evening – the speakers were really good and it was fun to see all of my fellow Class of 2013’ers.

Then after I found M&D and snapped some pics with them:

IMG_0298 IMG_0301 IMG_0299 IMG_0302Yay! We got din with Melinda at Aristo’s and ended the night.

So grateful my parents could make it all the way out here to celebrate with me! They are greatest.



Day 3 of snow covered golf:

Jan 30, 2013 Winter Wonderland Week 29

I know what you’re thinking, “WASH YOUR DAMN CAR ALREADY!”

Today was a good day! I woke up to the sound of snowblowers outside my apt. I of course imaged them instead as lawnmowers and dreamed of green trees and sunburns. And guess what, it worked! Well, until I walked outside to meet J for lunch and stepped in a huge snowslushie that is my apartment building grounds. This snow is amazing! I don’t remember a winter like this all of my life.

Tonight on campus, I brought a bag full of Trader Joe’s treats with me (looked like I had brought a naughty beverage) so I wouldn’t starve to death. Class was so good tonight! I love my Persuasion and Politics class. My teacher uses new media tools and I LOVE IT. Like, he is one Google+-Hangout-guest-speaker away from getting a handwritten Thank You card. Tonight we heard from Rob Saliterman. He works for Google and manages the sales and outreach for Republican campaigns. He joined us via Google hangout all the way from D.C.

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After class, I made J stop and take a picture of me and the huge sparkly pile of snow on the trek from LNCO to my car:

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Don’t Dream It’s Over

On Monday, I left my apartment to fresh snow and blue skies! Ah, Utah has had the worst air in the nation for the last (feels like ten years) couple of weeks. Even though digging my little Golf out of the snow is a pain, I feel like it’s an appropriate price to pay for clean air and blue skies.Jan 29. 2013 Winter Wonderland Week 308

Jan 29. 2013 Winter Wonderland Week 313After my internship, J came and got me and we went to J’s favorite restaurant, My Thai. The food there is so good! Jackie always gets the beef basil (super spicy) and I alternate between what I order. Last night I got Tom Kha Gai. MMMM. Delicious mixture of coconut, cilantro, chicken, and spices. Jackie donated plasma earlier in the day and was feeling rather worn out…this meant that she was being hilarious.

Favorite comments from dinner:
“I’m ill” (after dinner was consumed)
“I’m lethar” (short for lethargic)
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She makes me laugh cry EVERY.TIME.I.SEE.HER. love you, boo!

Anyways, today I walked out of my apartment to a snow covered golf, again! (strangely I got the same parking spot two days in a row (all the smartcar drivers must be on road trips?!?)).

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I really love the snow. I hate driving in it/slipping and falling in it, but it’s so pretty! Campus was gorgeous today.Jan 29. 2013 Winter Wonderland Week 321

Today I was walking through the Union and the study abroad fair was going on. Reminded me of last year, when on a whim I wandered in to that same fair and learned all about London. I got super jealous at the thought of new students going on the London study abroad this year. Ahhhhhh.

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Listen to me.