Summer days

It’s been so beautiful in SLC the past couple of days. Very drastic change to the doom and gloom that has been the weather for the past few months. Got into the 90s today (I almost cooked all the way through).

Weekend & Monday review:

Victor & Brett came into town from Chicago for mother’s day and so I popped over to Jam to visit them:
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Meli & I went on a little stroll through Lib park and then got some chai after at Cafe Nior – SO GOOD:9000 Degrees Kelvin in SLC May 13, 2103 605

Today, I went to Lib park to work on my tan and read. It was so beautiful!:9000 Degrees Kelvin in SLC May 13, 2103 613

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I am SO pale:
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Then tonight, J and I went to din and to the The Great Gatsby. HOLY SHIT, Leo. What a babe. It’s such a sad story, really. But, I liked the music, and Leo in suits, and all of the beautiful costumes:9000 Degrees Kelvin in SLC May 13, 2103 636

P.s. I bought a one-way ticket to NYC today. Can you believe it?