Dear moo,
Happy birthday to my favorite person ever! I hope that you had a “wonderful-ismia” day and that you felt all the love from the states. I miss you and am super excited to smother see you in October.Â
p.s. click here.
Dear moo,
Happy birthday to my favorite person ever! I hope that you had a “wonderful-ismia” day and that you felt all the love from the states. I miss you and am super excited to smother see you in October.Â
p.s. click here.
I have a never ending supply of love and support from my family. Today from my mum:
 I am just getting ready to leave for the MTC and I had an overwhelming impression to write to you and tell you that I LOVE YOU! I hope you have a wonderful day. Please know what a wonderful privilege it is to be your mother and friend. You are an awesome young woman and I am so proud of you for the good person you are.
 All my love and kisses, MOM (aka piggy or moo, depending on your mood – haha)
I love my mom so much. She’s just the greatest. So many cuddles and smacks are coming her way when she and my dad come into town next month.I have had so much going on the this last month. I spent most of my weekends away — learning, laughing, traveling, experiencing. I attended the EVO conf, had a full-on 5siblings+parents+grandparent reunion in Pcity. I worked, I moved in with my Sissy.
I’ve been damn busy. I am going to visit my favorite person in Chicago tomorrow. I am overly excited/nervous/anxious/furiously happy to get to see him and wander through Chicago. I’ve never been. Have you? How is it? I’m already hot. And sweaty. Is that weird? Anyways, after I snuggle/bombard/SMOOCH my GBF I am going to visit my parents in Guatemala. I love Central America. And my parents. It’s going to be a great end to my summer.
But then what? I have been searching tirelessly for what I am supposed to be doing with my time/life/existence/power/money. And yes, I agree, I too think that I should be living in Maine for the Fall, and going to London for Christmas, and D.C. cherry blossom sighting in the Spring. Right?
I found an old fortune the other day when I was moving, it said:
Contentment is just around the corner for you. Look forward!
Hell yes.