First off let me start with this: I feel so incredibly grateful that I was able to take a week off of work and come down to Florida to work with my sister and her amazing team. I was one of the conferences photographers and so I got to witness all the magic and capture stuff like this. ALL DAY:
She was freaking out because she realized she was in a dance party with a bunch of these guys:
I freaked out too (for full effect, turn on your sound – but not too loud):
Maddie kept her cool: Then neither of us (Maddie or me) kept our cool when we road this 4 times in a row (thanks, express pass!)
As if we hadn’t had enough excitement, we were treated to Blue Man Group.
Maddie got pulled up on stage. One of the blue men was in love:
Topped off the evening with a delish din at Bubba Gump’s:
Yes you, Universal Orlando.