Saturday: Too tired to describe what this day was in a headline

The Sesame Street morning keynote was SUCH a good way to start my Saturday. The Whip my Hair back and forth video, I’m still laughing.

I attended the YouTube mid-morning session with Melinda and @Jenny on the Spot. Lunch was sponsored by McDonalds — go and get the Asian chicken salad RIGHT NOW. It was so delicious.

After lunch, I was workshopless and needing something to do — So I went on over to the WordPress happiness bar and got some help transferring from blogger to WordPress. AMAZING.

The ending keynote was given by Me Ra Koh. It was inspiring, heart-wrenching and a perfect way to end EVO’11.

Melinda and I rode the Gondola up to the Red Pine Lodge and after dinner, Melinda left and I was the only Johnson left. I decided that I wanted to stay at the Canyons and spend more time with Melissa and Jyl. After dinner though, Evo tradition held strong and 20+ attendees-sponsors-speakers jumped into the pool at Grand Summit with all their clothes on.

I think Justin Hackworth (Evo’11 photographer) said it the best:


A very tired B


I give credit to the pictures in this post to: Justin Hackworth, Trevor Christensen, Jessica Rosenberg, and Laurie Turk.

Friday: Workshops, lunches, networking OH MY!

The opening keynote was awesome. I was excited to hear from the Harpo producers again. Looooved the behind the scene clips they showed of Oprah.

Melinda and I attended the afternoon photography workshop up at the Red Pine Lodge. The gondola ride up showed off Utah so well. I was happy for all of the out-of-towners that really got to see how pretty our mountains && scenery are here.

ANYWAYS, Me Ra Koh’s presentation was TO DIE FOR. She actually came and sat down next to me and my family at the Pepperidge Farm lunch…so we are pretty tight now. JUST SAYING.

The Bush’s Beans party at Park City Mountain Resort brought my whole family together. We laughed, danced, ate some good food, laughed some more.

Thoughts that come to mind when I see the picture below:
1. Wow! Who knew I was so good at flippin’ hamburgers?
2. On that note, who knew that I am actually a cafeteria chef?
3. Jyl’s new evo ’11 hairstyle is going to catch on — I just know it.
4. Why the hell does Melinda always look so damn pretty in EVERY picture?
5. hahahahahahhahahahahaha.Honestly? How can you not laugh when you see this? #laughtears

Here are some other fun pictures from the Bush’s Beans party:



I give credit to the pictures in this post to: Justin Hackworth and Trevor Christensen.