
My friend Fred (WHO IS THE GREATEST PERSON ON EARTH) works for Simmons Media and was able to get Jackie and I into The Black Keys sound check before their concert tonight. We also got to go to a meet&greet with only twenty other people and get pat&dan’s signatures and a picture.


I will post our picture when it goes live on x96.

Their concert was absolutely amazing. I love this band, and am so glad that I go to it with s&j. I had SO much fun.



Week 1.

Happy first week of Spring Semester 2012! I’ve been a bit overwhelmed these past few days, but it’s been a lot of fun being up on the U campus. Here is my first day of school pic that I took of myself and sent to my parents:

(hahahahahah I’m such a jackass)

ANYWAYS, my good friend Mandy Allen from Parachute Intervention went to the MTC to start her 18 month LDS mission today. Her and Liesh came and visited me on Monday night and I am so glad I got to see/squeeze her before she left. I know she’s going to be a super good missionary and I can’t wait to mail her hilarious presents and treats. I am however selfishly really sad that I won’t be going on any adventures to her cabin this summer:

I am quite lucky when it comes to winning things on the radio/through radio stations. I have won tickets to many concerts, a nikon digital camera, movie passes and gift cards – here is my latest and super exciting win:

Woohoo! I really hope that Jackie and I will be venturing off to Nashville to drool over Pat&Dan. I mean, we are pretty big fans:

Halloween 2010