Tag Archives: love
we’ll sing in the sunshine.
Dear moo,
Happy birthday to my favorite person ever! I hope that you had a “wonderful-ismia” day and that you felt all the love from the states. I miss you and am super excited to smother see you in October.Â
p.s. click here.
Weekend at the cinema
This past weekend I spent around 9 hours at the movies. I saw Les Miserables, Django Unchained, and Lincoln.
Les Miserables:
Okay, so I totally don’t really like musicals (they are ALWAYS 7 songs too long) but this movie was GOOD. It was so intense the whole 2 hours and 37 minutes. The music is so pretty and the story is good. I did feel like it was pretty long – but, for hating musicals I thoroughly enjoyed this picture.

Django Unchained:
Quentin Tarantino you’ve done it again! I loved, loved, LOVED this movie. Jamie Foxx was superb and so was Leo.
Woah. DDL was AMAZING. I have had a little crush on Mr. Lincoln ever since I saw him at the Lincoln memorial in D.C. when I was 8. What an amazing man! I cried at the end, like tears streaming down ma’ face.
There are some really good flicks out there! Go and get some popcorn and enjoy any/all.
Christmas Sleepover!
After work, I went to dinner with two of my old friends, Raelyn and Sasha. After din, I went and picked up my two little chickens and we started our Christmas Sleepover Party!
1. Bowling:
2. Root beer floats:
Mix as much ice cream as desired (preferably vanilla bean) with A&W diet root beer. Ends up not being a SUPER high in calorie treat!
3. Santa Clause
This is my favorite movie of ALL time. I could probably say the whole movie verbatim.
I love these girls,
Adventureland Outfit
Admission: I may or may not have a serious ‘1-click shop’ Amazon Prime shopping problem. (emphasis on the HAVE).
Today, when I turned my little mail key and opened my tiny little mailbox I found a package inside. Want to know what was inside that package? THIS FREAKING SHIRT:
It’s a novelty tee from one of my favorite movies, Adventureland. (raise your hand if you are a TOTAL nerd. *I am raising both of my hands).
Anyways, I am super exited about it and am thinking I will pair it with an outfit just like this:
See you around,