Let’s just start with saying that yesterday I turned in my last college final:
Wahoo! I hit submit online and then immediately lit my mass comm law book on fire…just kidding…I blasted School’s Out For Summer by Alice Cooper and just let it all sink in. Feeeeeeels good.
My parents flew all the way from Guatemala to come to my graduation – first stop commencement. During the day, I went shopping with my M&D. We went into Seagull book and mom brought me this and said “Here is your graduation present”:
Then my dad asked the lady at the register if they were hiring. HILARIOUS.
Later on in the day, Andrea (my former co-work from Bath and Body and math tutor) and I headed up to campus to get in line for commencement:
Here are some pics from throughout the night:
My friend James from High School:
Walking into the center:
It was a really great evening – the speakers were really good and it was fun to see all of my fellow Class of 2013’ers.
Then after I found M&D and snapped some pics with them:
Yay! We got din with Melinda at Aristo’s and ended the night.
So grateful my parents could make it all the way out here to celebrate with me! They are greatest.