New York City: Day Three

I have cankles.

This morning we woke up – lounged around – got a doughnut at dunkin doughnuts and then ventured off to Broadway to try and get lottery tickets for Wicked (third time’s the charm, right?) WRONG. We had to transfer trains and ended up standing on the wrong platform and so we got to the lottery place (after running home alone style) at 12:01. ONE MINUTE LATE. And we couldn’t enter to win :'( I basically started bawling, especailly because the crowd was super small and our chances of winning were a lot better.

Anywho, to brighten our spirits, we headed over to Radio City Music Hall and went on a tour. They are setting up for the Tony’s and so it was cool to see all of the behind the scene work that is going on.

New York Day 3 June 1, 2013 3017 New York Day 3 June 1, 2013 3011 New York Day 3 June 1, 2013 3006 New York Day 3 June 1, 2013 1141New York Day 3 June 1, 2013 1148After Radio City we went down to Eately and got some lunch. Yum! After that we took the Subway Uptown and went to the top of Rockefeller:

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The views were awesome. So much fun! (my cankles and general lack of blood flow to my lower extremities kind of ruined the moment, but it was cool nonetheless.)

After that, Cari and I went back and rested and then we went with my cousin Megan (who we are staying with) and got a burger at Shake Shack and ate down by the Hudson. I may or may not have hey girled Lady Liberty.

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p.s. here is what I have going on right now:

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