
I am in D.C. for two nights. I touristed around a bit today:DC August 17, 20132961 DC August 17, 20132965 DC August 17, 20132970DC August 17, 2013 3180 DC August 17, 2013 3185 DC August 17, 2013 3202 DC August 17, 2013 3207 DC August 17, 2013 3221 DC August 17, 20132977After seeing some monuments, I found out there are Cafe Rio’s in Virginia. HELLO! After I ordered my pork burrito and filled up my cup of rootbeer (obvs) I went to get a fork and instinctively took two out. I did that because I never eat at Cafe Rio without my sissy. Before I could help myself I started bawling. Right there. In front of the fork and knife dispenser. I don’t think I have ever missed someone more in my whole life than at that moment. (not counting all the times I have missed M&D).DC August 17, 20132984I LOVE YOU,

(Yes you, my Cafe Rio partner in crime.)



3 thoughts on “D.C.

  1. Lil sis!!! We will be together again before you know it! Thanks for being thoughtful and grabbing me a fork, even though I wasn’t there to need it (although let’s be honest, I prob was at another CR earlier that day and no doubt needed it there!). I love you and even though I’m sad you miss me, I’m so happy you miss me. 🙂

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