All packed up.

Like this great song once said:

All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go
I’m standin’ here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

I am ready! And by ready I mean all my stuff is put into bags that have rollers on them.

Today I was in shambles – I stayed up super late last night and pretty much bawled all day long. Why, I have no idea. But, I got to hang with Freddy (who is moving to Cali in June), my sister Jyl (who I have not seen for 4 weeks), my sister Melinda (who threw me an amazing going away party), and a lot of my great friends that came to toast me farewell.

I am still stunned that I am really doing this adventure – my anxiety prone tendencies are about to make me curl up in my closet and hide there until July 7th. (HONESTLY, NO ONE WOULD EVEN KNOW.)

London, ready or not, here I come.

Goodnight, I am going to go ahead and cry my privileged ass to sleep now.

LOVE YOU (don’t forget me),


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