So, I entered this internship contest and I totally WON! So exciting. They honored all of the winners on Tuesday and I invited sissylongstockings and J to come and celebrate. They had lots of goodies and I even had to give a little speech (so embarrassing/you can totally tell I am more of a behind-the-scenes-girrrrl) You can watch it here: youtube.
Cari is SUCH a nerd – look at her name badge:
Anyways, it was a really fun event and I was so honored to be included! I have absolutely loved my internship experiences that I have been able to have through the U – life changing!
Later on in the day, Jesika asked me to stand in (PLAY) on her rec softball team that just started. They were down a player and DESPERATELY needed someone. So, I said yes thinking they just needed an extra body. I kid you not 5 seconds after getting into the dugout I was up to bat. Let me just say I AM terrible at sports – add black hair and this is pretty much me on any given day:
After batting, I was in the outfield thinking about how if the ball were to come to me, how I would just run it in instead of throwing – just then a ball came RIGHT to me. I threw it in…and let me tell you – it was beautiful:
It was really fun! Thanks for subbing me in, Jes!