I was so excited to take Cari out for her birthday last night. She has 4 kids and lives a CRAZY busy life and so I wanted to kidnap her for a night and do something fun.
For the last 7 months I have been anticipating and preparing myself to buy Cari this for her birthday present:Stella Nude. It smells sooo good.
But, when I was researching (aka not doing my math homework) upcoming concerts to SLC I saw this and decided the perfume can wait till Christmas:
Mindy is loved by my whole family, but especially Cari. Her kids love her music and I hear it playing often at their house when I go over for dinner. I bought tickets and sent Cari an invitation only telling her to be to my house by 6pm on April 7th.
The night consisted of us going to dinner at one of our fave spots here. YUUUUUUUMMMMMM.
On the drive down to Provo we were listening to Justin Bieber (obviously) and I subtley changed the music to Mindy Gledhill.
Fave songs we listened to:
Driving to the surprise 1
Driving to the surprise 2
Cari still had NO idea what we were doing on the drive to Provo. After we crossed the point of the mountain I handed her directions to the venue. She looked at the directions…pondered…pointed to the radio and stared screaming “ARE WE GOING TO MINDY GLEDHILL????”
I handed her an envelope that had our tickets in it and sheet music to Anchor.
The concert was amazing. We were literally in the front row and we got to meet and chat with Mindy after the concert.
When we got back down to SLC we stopped at a little crepe ‘n cafe place right by house and got a nutella & banana crepe with a hot coco. Deeelish.
I love my Sis and I hope that she had fun on her Birthday date!
Honestly Brookie I can't even describe my feelings about my birthday surprise! The whole night was AMAZING and I loved every minute of it (starting with mac salad I'd cut my right arm off for). I'm so lucky to have you as my lil sis!! Not to mention we're BFF's with MG now and she posted a pic of us on her blog today. Why wouldn't she??!