The time has come. After a year+ living in this crazy city that never sleeps I am heading home to my roots. Don’t worry, I have already been asked dozens of times: “why on earth are you leaving the greatest city in the world?”. Simple answer: I am following my heart and heading back west to be closer to my family. But not before I have a crazy weekend of fun and NY debauchery.
And it was during the summer solstice of 2014 that I found myself on a lower east side rooftop with Masha and Dev enjoying the views and the music.
Finding our way out, Masha & I enjoyed the deliciousness that is Kat’z Deli.
Then we rested and digested in the park that Miranda and Steve were married in:
Had to make one last illegal pit stop on Carrie’s stoop before I go:
Then it was bars and Artichoke Pizza before retiring for the evening:
Oh, and don’t forget let me forget this: