Today at work I got an email for a gofobo free movie ticket to The Book Thief. AHHHHHHH! When moo and I went to see Captain Phillips a few weeks ago (USAUSAUSA) I saw the trailer for the movie for the first time and immediately started bawling. This book moooooooooooooved me. I loved it. I couldn’t read another book for weeks after I finished cause it just lingered in my SOUL. Anywho, I RAN out of the office to catch the M to 66th and Broadway. (but not before I snapped a pic of Shaq and Charles Barkley across the street):
AMC Lincoln Sq:
Liesel was perfect:
The movie so perfectly captured the characters. There were times that I felt like I had seen it already because it was exactly what I had pictured it would be when reading the book. GO AND SEE IT WHEN IT COMES OUT.
After the movie, I didn’t have to Google map my way home. I knew how to get crosstown all by myself. Can you believe it?
And then there was this:
Yes you, NYC…today at least.