Experiencing some lovely sunshine in NY the past couple of days:
Otherwise it’s preeeeetty cold here.
My doctor prescribed laugh tears.
I just wanted to wish you all the best while your in England. Â I love you very much. I know how capable you are and how strong you are. Â You are a wonderful beautiful woman. Â I know you will do really well. Â Just know that you are stronger than you can ever imagine. Â You are such a fun person and I am grateful to have you as my sister. Â I am sorry for all the things that could be better but are not. Â I just really want you to know I care a lot for you and I will pray for you often. Â Have a fun time and learn a lot.
And whenever I called – he answered – and whenever he thought I needed anything – he was already putting on his shoes and heading out the door. I will miss deeply our lunch dates at Greek Souvlaki, Ho Ho Gourmet, and Lorena’s. No one will ever laugh at Ace Ventura like we did – or quote Dumb & Dumber and Coneheads as well as us – or blast Steve Miller Band, Duffy, or Ryan Adams like we blasted. I love you! My Christmas tree carrier, always there for me, big brother who read this quote to me when I was having a hard time: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” Eleanor Roosevelt. Your dreams were beautiful, Markie. I love you!