Family Forward Day 2

Family Forward Day 2 August 22nd, 2013 0466 2First off let me start with this: I feel so incredibly grateful that I was able to take a week off of work and come down to Florida to work with my sister and her amazing team. I was one of the conferences photographers and so I got to witness all the magic and capture stuff like this. ALL DAY:Family Forward Day 2 August 22nd, 2013 0309She was freaking out because she realized she was in a dance party with a bunch of these guys:
Family Forward Day 2 August 22nd, 2013 40I freaked out too (for full effect, turn on your sound – but not too loud):
Maddie kept her cool: Family Forward Day 2 August 22nd, 2013 0366 Then neither of us (Maddie or me) kept our cool when we road this 4 times in a row (thanks, express pass!) Family Forward Day 2 August 22nd, 2013 56As if we hadn’t had enough excitement, we were treated to Blue Man Group. Family Forward Day 2 August 22nd, 2013 0699 Family Forward Day 2 August 22nd, 2013 63
Family Forward Day 2 August 22nd, 2013 67 Maddie got pulled up on stage. One of the blue men was in love:Family Forward Day 2 August 22nd, 2013 77Topped off the evening with a delish din at Bubba Gump’s:
Family Forward Day 2 August 22nd, 2013 69 Family Forward Day 2 August 22nd, 2013 70


Yes you, Universal Orlando.


Family Forward Day 1

Today kicked off my sister Jyl’s first Family Forward conference. SO AWESOME:

Family Forward Day 1 August 21th, 2013 16Family Forward Day 1 August 21th, 2013 Family Forward Day 1 August 21th, 2013 2 1150391_530104593725230_33254733_n Family Forward Day 1 August 21th, 2013 8 Family Forward Day 1 August 21th, 2013 5 Family Forward Day 1 August 21th, 2013 3 562326_530104860391870_1039434310_n Family Forward Day 1 August 21th, 2013 0395Family Forward Day 1 August 21th, 2013 0388 Family Forward Day 1 August 21th, 2013 0025 After keynotes and intro’s all the attendees got to go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter AFTER HOURS. We got all of the butterbeer and desserts our tums could handle – and then puked it all up after riding the Dueling Dragons roller coasters over and over (I rode both the blue and red 3 times – IN A ROW) . I cannot even believe how lucky I am that I got to experience this – no lines, no people. I was in Honeydukes shopping for gifts and I was the only person in the store. THE ONLY PERSON. My sister is amazing for pulling this off. Family Forward Day 1 August 21th, 2013 19 Family Forward Day 1 August 21th, 2013 22
Wingardium leviosa,


Kennedy Space Center

Okay, so after doing a morning brainstorm with the Family Forward team, my Mom and I headed out to Cape Canaveral with my nephews to explore the Kennedy Space Center.

Welllllcooooomeee:Kennedy Space Center August 20th, 2013 3074It was a titch too hot to really check out all the things they had outside, but to get the general gist…:
Kennedy Space Center August 20th, 2013 3068 Silly boys:Kennedy Space Center August 20th, 2013 3273 That is one speechless piggy:

Kennedy Space Center August 20th, 2013 3276Moo grew up during the space race and watched many of the launches on live TV: Kennedy Space Center August 20th, 2013 3308
We had fun:
Kennedy Space Center August 20th, 2013 3383 The coolest part of the whole museum was when they put everyone in a big room and showed this cool movie about the quest to build the Atlantis space shuttle. They talked about how hard it was to build and design and how it took them many years to get it right. Then they showed the Atlantis launching and in space. Then they showed it landing back on Earth. Then they made the screen transparent so you could see the actual, IRL, Atlantis space shuttle:Kennedy Space Center August 20th, 2013 3322 Kennedy Space Center August 20th, 2013 3333 Kennedy Space Center August 20th, 2013 3105Selfie, gone awry:Kennedy Space Center August 20th, 2013 3342 Kennedy Space Center August 20th, 2013 3406Thinking back, it’s definitely one of the coolest places I have been.

If you are thinking of going, GO. It’s a bit pricey – but totally worth it. They even have a rocket simulator ride that makes you feel like you are really going into space. I may/may not have had a mini panic attack, which I think was the whole point.