Spent my last day in Londontown with David and the dead.
Ammmmerrrriiica!! Happy 4th! Tonight the other students in our study abroad program threw a 4th of July party at pub right by our house. They had it all decorated with American flags and red, white, and blue stars. It was very festive!
The girls were all dressed to the nines! Very good night indeed.
Today whilst out on my lunch break I broke down (yet again) and went souvenir shopping. Upon returning to work I confessed to Rima (one of my fellow colleagues) of my slight souvenir shopping addiction and may have slightly hinted that I needed to cut up my debit card before another “I love London” sweatshirt was purchased.
Anyways, tonight when I got home Kyle wanted to run to the big souvenir shop right off of Marble Arch and Oxford Street so of course I went with him. And who did I run into in this souvenir shop?
What a small, hilarious world.
p.s. here are a few tunes from the mix cd my flatmate David made me:
Listen to me 1
Listen to me 2
Listen to me 3
Monday – Went to my internship and had a jolly ol’ time. I franked the post – Then came home to spider man in my hall –
Tuesday – Help! My sushi roll has fallen and it can’t get up – I also burned the shit out of my face whilst using my roomies hair straightener –
Also, we pranked the flat two stories down from us –
Wednesday – I pulled a Peter Pan and had my shadow stuck to me. Oh wait –
Thursday – I was sick alll day but you bet your ass that didn’t stop me from posing for some pics in front of Tower Bridge –
Friday – Developed a full blown cold (whining, sore throat, stuffy nose, and all) but still went to school and our field trip to The Globe for Shakespeare’s Henry V – Also saw St. Paul’s up close –
Saturday – Felt loads better and ventured to Hampstead Heath which is this beautiful town and park with great views of London. Also got a chicken fajita wrap that was DELICIOUS. –
Sunday – Went to changing of the Guard with Kyle – Then we got our first and last Sunday roast – lamb with mint sauce. MMM