Last weekend I hung out with my hilarious friend Dayshie. She cracks me up.
Sometimes I wish that I could secretly turn on invisible earphones so no one would know that I wasn’t or didn’t care to listen to them. Things are sooo trivial and temporal that it cracks me up at some things people choose to let nerve them.
Get over it.
I’m getting over mine everyday, you being one of them.
After work tonight my J brought me dinner. My Thai to be exact, which is a little thai restuarant that we found not too long ago. My tounge is literally swollen because of our spicy dish that we share.
Anyways, since I don’t live with my J anymore..(interesting side note she is literally expo mark-er-ing on her eyebrows and freckles. Right. Now.)…
Here, see:and I quote “that doesn’t look real.”
I have only one thing to say to my bff since grade school:
Last Friday Jesika and I made our way to Denver, Colorado. Jes’s favorite band, The Gaslight Anthem was playing a concert there on Saturday and so we bought tickets and drove 10 hours East.
Denver is a cool city. Our hotel was right down the street from the concert venue so we explored around a bit when we arrived there late on Friday night. On Saturday we went shopping and hung around the Cherry Hill area.
The concert was amazing. We were super close and I got to stare at this hottie all night. MMM.
After the show we waited around and actually met the Lead singer and Drummer. Soooooo rad. Brian Fallon was really funny. He sat on his suitcase/briefcase and smoked a few cigarettes all whilst chatting about his favorite tours, Bruce Springsteen, and all the crazy European fans. It was amazing.
p.s. I really love this song right now.
What I did today:
-Woke up to my sister calling me and apologizing for not remembering not to call me so early. It was 11am. Who cares. I’m the baby.
-After many attempts to open my eyes, I got up…and literally pitter-puttered around my room.
-Then I made lunch.
-Ate my lunch whilst watching rock’nrolla.
-Laughed at Jackie when she came home from work:She was exhausted.
-Spent time with my out-of-the-country-living-parents and tried endlessly to have my Dad, who I had asked to teach me something in Spanish and kept annoyingly replying with “algo”, actually teach me something.
-Needless to say, I still don’t know any Spanish (well, other than algo) but, I did enjoy listening to my Dad tell me jokes in Spanish.
-I then decided to clean up my room which almost, but not quite, resembled this:I know, right? No fear though soon enough it was back to tip-top shape:
-Jackie and I with our full intentions to go Mini-golfin’ headed down to Freddy’s house and ended up hanging out with his family, eating dinner, playing badminton (ha), and holding on for dear life on rides in their pimped out version of a golf cart, and Fred’s newly emission and safety registered Scout.
-Too much fun.
-Ended the night at Despicable Me, which is delightful and silly. LOVED IT.
-Having already succeeded in ending the night on a good note, this was just the cherry on top:Yes. This kid fell asleep in the movie and his “friends” abandoned, and left him for dea…left him to have his picture taken with and by complete strangers.