Kyle comes to NY.


My former flatmate from Londy came to visit for the weekend! I introduced him to NYC by forcing him to come to my workmate’s birthday party (he had fun). HBD, LM.Kyle's Trip to NYC April 25, 2014 760

The next day we ventured all over the city. Through Central Park and to the Upper West Cathedral of Saint John the Divine. (we saw it on the way to Tom’s Restaurant from Seinfield and stopped in). It was really big and beautiful!Kyle's Trip to NYC April 25, 2014 773

We stopped in for a bite at my favorite NYC Mexican restaurant, El Centro. YUM. Kyle's Trip to NYC April 25, 2014 788

If you’re ever in the area, get yourself an order of chicken chilaquiles. Kyle's Trip to NYC April 25, 2014 792

We continued our tour on the lower east side – via the Staten Island Ferry. The coast guard armed entourage was a little spooky – but, hey lady lib!Kyle's Trip to NYC April 25, 2014 803

On Sunday we visited the Brooklyn Bridge:Kyle's Trip to NYC April 25, 2014 829

And Yankee Stadium!Kyle's Trip to NYC April 25, 2014 837

chip, chip!


Walk down memory lane

And it was on this day in 2013 that I finished my last class as a student at the University of Utah.

I handled it with grace:

Okay, so I was a complete basket case. WHAT ELSE IS NEW? But really. I have been thinking back on what I was feeling this very day last year, mostly thoughts and anxiety of the unknown. I didn’t have any job prospects – or a clear view on what I really wanted.

I think of myself now and how much I have learned this past year since moving to NYC and working. It’s SO much! I am really grateful to be where I am and getting the opportunity to continually learn new things, push myself farther, and have a somewhat less foggy view on what I really want.



Utah man am I

J is graduating in less than a month and I am SO PROUD of her. While I was in UT I snapped some pics of her for her graduation announcement. We went around the U campus and to the Capitol building. It was the prettiest spring day!

Babe alert!
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I mean, really. I think we nailed it:
Jackie's Graduation Photos April 2014 020
This weekend while I was recuperating from sissy’s birthday and two red eyes, I spent a considerable amount of time resting on my couch and in photoshop. Eventually leading to this:
4x6 horizontal
Freakin cutie.



You guys. I left work on Friday, headed to JFK, made up a huge lie about how I was going to New Jersey and would be taking the bus home late and wanted to talk on the phone, and ended up on my sister’s door step at 1am (my flight was delayed) in Stansbury Park, Utah to start off her birthday weekend right. She was a little bit surprised to see me:

I LOVE surprises. I had the best weekend celebrating with my sissy and catching up with friends and family.
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