Weekend in review:

On Friday I went to instacare (seriously, I am pathetic) but I was having pretty bad knee pain that had progressed throughout the week. I went in and they told me that my bursa was inflamed. RUDE! They gave me an anti-inflam and told me to take it easy. I went into work late and limped around ALL DAY.

After work, I went over to Stef’s house and caught up with her and Vig. It was good to see those two! After that I came home and spent a ridiculous amount of time putting together my graduation announcements. I was SO excited to send those puppies out.
Graduation Announcement

Friday morning, I woke up bright and early and headed to the Huntsman Cancer Screening. I love this event! It’s so important to get your creepy moles checked out – go and doooo it. HCI Skin Cancer 2013 28

HCI Skin Cancer 2013 42
I got to take some flowers up to the ICU – so pretty.
HCI Skin Cancer 2013 46

After HCI (we saw 316 patients, btw!) I headed to Park City with Stef, Jackie and Vig to see our friends (new city skyline) play a show.
We were superstars:
New City Skyline Star Bar April 13, 2013 72

New City Skyline Star Bar April 13, 2013 63

New City Skyline Star Bar April 13, 2013 69

New City Skyline Star Bar April 13, 2013 81

The band did great, per usual.
New City Skyline Star Bar April 13, 2013 59

Sunday I got compliments all day:

Great weekend!



Last group project in college. OF ALL TIME.

You know how normally group projects are just the worst thing to happen to your life? Not this time! I got into a group for my politics and persuasion class that was absolutely amazing. You see, we had to do a press conference for a political candidate running for President of the United States. Our candidate was a country cowboy from Mississippi who was fighting for your right to own and operate a water gun. Our candidate’s name was Wade Lee Hogue. picasion.com_0a1cebf531f0fab80f13aa97fde2b432

Hogue rode in on a stick horse named Tony.

IMG_9601He gave a great speech. You can watch it here:

Aside from a his brief Marco Rubio moment, I’d say he knocked it out of the park.

Screen Shot 2013-04-10 at 11.10.23 PMThe visuals looked great:

IMG_9554 IMG_9604 IMG_9610 IMG_9609All in all I ended my college career of presentations on a strong note.




bang, bang.

First off: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite 18-year-old sissy! Special note to you because I think you may or may not be the only person who actual reads this thing (other than me, of course): I love you! Thank you for everything you do and for being one of my greatest friends. I would simply be lost without you and your wisdom/hilarity. You’re the best mom, friend, and older sis. I hope you were spoiled rotten today and just you wait till I see you next (ahem, BIRTHDAY PREZZZZIE).

Me and Cari!

Anywhoooz, I slept in today and it felt GREAT. Later in the afternoon I thought I’d bug Meli and see if she could do my hair – and she could/did.. Thanks, boo! I’ve spent the rest of the evening working on a school project for next week:

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all for one veritcal

guns for all veritcalMore on that later – I am off to watch season 1 of Weeds.




Catching upsies.

Just going to dust off here old blog again.

So, to start where I left off, on Friday I went to my internship and had a grand ole time! Afterwards, I got some take away and came home and crashed out. Despite being bothered by my partying neighbors, I rested up and relaxed. On Saturday, I went on a sibling day date with Meli and Mark. We went and got some lunch at Chipotle and then went and saw Django Unchained. So glad that I got to spend time with mah fam.Screen Shot 2013-04-04 at 8.45.37 PM

After the movie, I made my way east and attended my friend Rachel’s bridal shower. It was lots of fun and I got to see Katie who was visiting from out of town! We were just a little bit excited to see each other….

Photo Mar 16, 10 07 40 PM

Sunday was the big easter dinner. I remember my mom always getting a honey-baked ham (like, the legit kind), making a bunny cake and potato salad. Wish that little bunny was here in UT this year. I got and gave lots of hugs and cuddles:

This week has been really busy. On Monday, I worked on a project and stayed at work until 7p.m. – on Tuesday, a SVP from Cohn & Wolfe came to my Absolute Communication class to talk to us. Very interesting! On Wednesday my professor and a few students and I had lunch with Sacheen (the SVP from Cohn & Wolfe) and we got to ask her any/all professional questions we had. My favorite things she said were to take advantage of everything – That even though it’s expensive, no amount of expense could ever not be worth the experience of living in New York – Know the opportunities and things you want to get and make those opportunities for yourself. CWGroup_001

Today I worked hard on my internship application for C&W. You can check out my final masterpiece here: http://iambrookejohnson.tumblr.com.

Anywho – I am excited to relax this weekend and take it easy. We are on the downward slope here, people.