I can’t live if living is without you…

Except I can.

Remember this song from Rules of Attraction? When the sad co-ed slits her wrists and dies in the bathtub and James Van der Beek is all, “what happened,” and the dead girl now in heaven is like, “obvi I loved you, JVdB. DUH.” but he keeps thinking it’s the other girl that is writing him all those love letters?

So tragic.




I’ve been craving some baked goodness lately…so I searched pinterest and found a post that gave step by step instructions on how to make chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes.


They turned out to be quite delicious AND I didn’t even burn my house down whilst making them.

Here is the link so you can make them too! Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcake recipe!




Woo! Happy birthday, to me! I had a great day. Woke up to a balloon bombardment from my sissy, had fresh oj and my fave cereal for breakfast, went to lunch at Ned’s Krazy Sub, and out to dinner with all my amazing Johnson cousins and Aunts at Tia Rosas’ (one of the best mexi foods in AZ)..OH and I played pin the tail on the donkey.

I felt the birthday love all day long – so thanks!



An amazing day all around.



spring break in Mesa.

As usual I have been nothing but a train wreck this whole trip. But, I have also consumed fresh OJ every morning, kissed my Grandps and have felt thankful that he is recovering so well, and bickered/gossiped with my Mom over many delicious AZ family meals.

I LOVE THIS PLACE. My grandparents house always smells like my childhood. I LOVE IT.