Happy Father’s Day!

I love my dad so much it hurts! He’s the greatest – and I love being his lil’ peanut. Happy father’s day, pops! You’re the best. Happy Father's Day! June 16, 2013 5832 Happy Father's Day! June 16, 20135818 Happy Father's Day! June 16, 20135819

Today I celebrated father’s day in Brooklyn. With my cousins & a BBQ. Being out of the city I felt like I had forgotten what the sky looks like – how the trees sound. Nice change of pace!

New York City June 16, 2013 744 New York City June 16, 2013 747 New York City June 16, 2013 751 New York City June 16, 2013 753I LOVE YOU!

Yes you, dad.


Friday I:

Had a love affair with this bagel:

New York City June 14, 2013 638Had a love affair with this cesar salad:New York City June 14, 2013 640Didn’t have a love affair with the Papyrus card store that sold me 45 cent stamps (for 46 cents) and made me take an extra trip to the post office (for a 1 cent stamp) so that I could mail my super cute Father’s Day card. Boo to you, Papryus on the Upper East Side. Boooooooo!New York City June 14, 2013 649