Last day at work was sad – I really fell in love with this place! Going to miss the hilarity and sassiness of my coworkers:
After resisting the urge to ugly-cry in front of my colleagues, I stopped and took one last pic (for now) with the empire state building. Cause, duh.
200 5th – where every day you were in a Flatiron and Empire State Building sandwich. Isn’t s/he lovely?
I spent Thursday evening and all day Friday packing and getting everything ready. My car picked me up at 229 E. promptly at 4pm and before I knew it, my big apple chapter was closed. What an insanely fun/hard adventure this past year+ was.
Category Archives: New York City 2014
Results are in for Tonight’s Clueless Trivia:
Team Post Adolescent Idealistic Phase: 1
Cher’s license plate number question: 0
Thank you, Trivia AD, for the fun Clueless trivia nights you have sponsored. You guys have provided my friends/colleagues and I entertainment and victories thrice times.
Never would have won trivia without my Bronson Alcott High School fellow Alum, Suze.
I really love this girl. I am going to miss her!
After trivia, we headed to Serendipity where I devoured my favorite: a frrrozen hot chocolate:
My countdown is almost over. So very strange, sad, and exciting.
I love you,
Yes you, NYC.
This is one happy girl right here:
I made it to the beach!! I got to sink my little unpainted toes into the sand and ingest a colossal amount of sea water before I venture from the coast back inland. I got to hang with my beach babes all day (shout out to C&W for all the friends)
Had a little too much fun maybe?
After I got home from the beach around 6pm, I took a shower and washed all the sand off. I ate dinner, called my mom and then decided to lay in my bed and “rest my eyes”. The last thing I remember was that it was 8pm, the next thing I remember was that it was pitch black in my room, I was hot from getting too comfy under my duvet, and looking at the clock to see that it was 11:48p.m. I FELL ASLEEP SO HARD. I brushed my teeth, texted Cari for a little bit, got the weather report from mum, and went back to sleep until 7:45a.m. This weekend wore me out.
I loved
My last Saturday in NYC
The time has come. After a year+ living in this crazy city that never sleeps I am heading home to my roots. Don’t worry, I have already been asked dozens of times: “why on earth are you leaving the greatest city in the world?”. Simple answer: I am following my heart and heading back west to be closer to my family. But not before I have a crazy weekend of fun and NY debauchery.
And it was during the summer solstice of 2014 that I found myself on a lower east side rooftop with Masha and Dev enjoying the views and the music.
Finding our way out, Masha & I enjoyed the deliciousness that is Kat’z Deli.
Then we rested and digested in the park that Miranda and Steve were married in:
Had to make one last illegal pit stop on Carrie’s stoop before I go:
Then it was bars and Artichoke Pizza before retiring for the evening:
Oh, and don’t forget let me forget this: