This I Believe..

Essay for my English 2010 class inspired by this.

When I was a young kid, I would sprawl out and latch on tightly to my trampoline. I would lay on it for hours. I would peek through the small little criss-crossing threads that made up the black mat. Gazing through these tiny squares, I would stare at the green, shadowed grass below. Intently watching it sway with the breeze, or lazily stand. I would feel the static creep in my hair and tickle my skin. When I was a young kid, I learned to appreciate taking my time, viewing life in slow, small and detailed ways. I have seen hummingbirds drink sugar-laced water out of strawberry red ornaments that hung from the sun weathered orange trees in my Grandma’s backyard. I have heard the buzzing of bees fly over me and the hum of flies’ wings as they would ferociously pump by my ears.

When I was a young teen looking for an escape, I would lie on my trampoline and search out satellites in the dark nighttime sky. Following them with my eyes, I would watch them slowly trace around my world, never skipping a beat. When I was a young adult, I had to sell my trampoline. Life sped up and no longer could I lay and inspect my life and all the interesting things that filled it from its black, comforting mat. I forgot what the stars looked like, and I missed visually painting portraits in the clouds.

Life got crazy. I had to make decisions that were all my own. I no longer had time to make tea and wait for it to cool. I was forced to burn my tongue instead. It was as if I was sitting on a merry go round that people and things in my life were spinning for me. Life became blurred. Even though I no longer have the comfort of my trampoline to perch myself on and examine the intricate details of my new, crazy world, I decided and wearily stepped off the merry go round and took a deep breath.

When I woke up this morning, I laid in my bed for ten minutes before I got up. I cooked my eggs on low and I listened to the spring birds tell their stories from the winter. I laid out my clothes before I put them on and tied my laces tight. I wrote down my wishes for the day and made promises to myself. I did not rush through yellow lights. I waited and did not smear the ink that just needed time dry. I felt the cold air bite my ears and turn my nose pink, I laughed with my friends and cried to my long distance mother. Today I again viewed my life in slow, small and detailed ways. Today I remembered I believe in taking my time.

What do YOU believe?



Photo assignment #3

Us vs. Them

For this assignment we were supposed to show the us vs. them mentality by embracing one or all of the following concepts:


Yay for my girl roomies!



Photo assignment #2

Becoming the Other.

For my photographing diversity class we were assigned to imagine our life if we were to change something about us that we couldn’t. For instance…gender, race, sexual orientation, physical abilities. So, I decided to make myself blind.






Today I’ve been thinking about things that remind me of you. Like, the sound of the garage door opening and how it meant you were home from the office. Or the sound your shoes would make when you’d walk through the laundry room and hall to your room. The scent of your cologne I’d smell when I’d give you a hug before dinner. The scratch on my cheek I’d get from your whiskers when you’d give me a kiss goodnight.

I was thinking of all these things today Dad, because it’s your Birthday. DUH.

I hope you had a GREAT day.

p.s. I didn’t have time to get you a present because I’m too busy being an independent orphan back here in the states.
