What did you do this morning?

I love doing tedious projects like these. It’s MAH FAVE!

Today has been a good day at HCI. It’s really clear out and the view of the Valley is beeeautiful. I’m excited to announce that it’s officially Spring break. WAHOO.

Is it weird that I’m more pumped for daylight savings time than I am for my birthday?



Tell me styes tell me sweet little styes…

I love Fleetwood Mac. 1. because Stevie Nicks is a BAD.A. 2. Because it reminds me of my brother Mark.

Mark was the BEST older brother growing up. We would go on dates every weekend–dinner and a movie. He has always loved music and aside from Phish we share a lot of the same musical interests. Fleetwood Mac reminds me of driving to the theater or various restaurants with him.

I am reminiscing of why I love FM because of this performance. She’s good (…as I’ve heard of course..because I don’t DVR and/or watch American Idol…)




p.s. 4 more days and 1 year till I turn 21. OH HAPPY DAY.


It’s my birthday in a week! I’m pretty excited/borderline in shambles.

What I’m doing for my birthday…

-Going to go to dinner with Cari&fam on Sunday
-Going to dinner with friends on Monday
-Going to Vegas on Wednesday to party with Meli&&friends.


Why I’m borderline in shambles….

-Me turning 20 means Meli is 30 and Jyl is going to be 40 and my Mom…OH BOTHER.
-20 is a poignant age, right? “In my twenties..” I don’t know if I can handle that pressure.
-I’m too immature/silly to not be a teen anymore.

In other news…
I dropped some classes and feel good about it. I’ve been on school overload for an entire year and it’s going to be nice to have a lighter class schedule..also I’m stoked to be able to refocus my goals ‘n stuff. Scary as hell though.

I saw Alice in Wonderland and am not sure if I liked it or not. I am still laughing at the fact that the person assigned to pass out the 3D glasses only had one arm. Seriously?

I’m feeling good about where I am, a little confused, but good.



holy balls.

Things I love today:

-Clair de Lune. On repeat.
-Waking up with my earbuds in. OUCH.
-Volunteering and meeting a variety of interesting people.
-Having other people clean my house because it’s dirty. PATHETIC.
-Elton John
-Strawberries and getting seeds stuck in my teeth.
-BBMing with Cari. Honestly? Funniest person in the world.
-Example of our conversation today: “You don’t know pig latin? Illegally download it off rosetta stone!”
-The fact that it’s Friday and that I am going to have an AWESOME weekend. Hope you have one too!



Attempt at photo assignment # 4

For my next photo assignment we were given a select number of poems and asked to photograph what one/all meant to you.

Seeing as this assignment isn’t due for another week (go me on being proactive!) I thought I’d try out as many ideas as I came up with.


Inspired by this poem..

Last Month
A pregnant thunder cloud
Broke water
High above Brazil,
Pouring sheets of wet glass
Over desiccated orange trees.

At breakfast this morning
You drank the juice of those trees,
And rivulets of Brazilian rainwater
Began flowing
Through your veins.

Who says
The environment
Is faceless?

Listen closely
To the quiet rhythms
Of your heart;
Each beat contains the echo
Of a distant thunder clap.


I wanted to show this concept of eating the Brazilian rain with a carrot. Here are my contact sheets seeing as there isn’t a final yet.

What do you think? How would you shoot this poem and the ideas it conjures?



p.s. check out how ghetto I am..