Vote for Kate Feinstein Miss Utah USA on and also make sure to watch her compete on Sunday May 16th
Considering I don’t have a necessarily strong opinion about anything (excluding my feelings on drinking and driving), I had to think hard about what I wanted my last Photographing Diversity project and final to be.
My beginning idea was to shoot a series of pictures and have them flip-book type change/transform from a general gender stereotype into the reversed role. I shot those images–and will post them on here later this week.
I mounted my images on cardstock that I bought at the closing Roberts Arts&Crafts store and duck taped it to a piece of wood that I picked up at Home Depot. I wanted it to appear like a demonstration sign.
Comments? Critiques?
Latest photo ASSignment:It was a group project. (hate hate HATE those) But, I think it turned out REALLY well. We were paired with a fellow classmate that was strongly different in some way. My partner Dan and I decided that we would shoot stereotypes that we though about each other and then shoot how we really were. The final project is a super rad book that we made. I’m HOPING and PRAYING that I get to keep it. What do you think?
Jackie and I decided we are going to find our favorite cheese. Starting this adventure we decided that we are going to buy a new type of cheese every Sunday and rate it. This Sunday we got Apple Smoked Gouda. On our scale of 1-10 it got about a 6. But, today as I was enjoying a quick snack it moved to about an 7.5-8. Although seeing as it is the first week and first cheese the rating may go up or down. It was good though. Any suggestions for what we should try next Sunday?
Also, I feel a mad bookworm stage coming on. I haven’t read a book since I finished the Bell Jar last summer. I read Lock&Key from one of my favorite teen writers this last weekend. I started Slaughter-House-Five today and so far have enjoyed the whole 111 pages I’ve gotten through. To add fuel to my bookworm longin’ fire I went to Barnes and Noble…76 dollars and one hell of a book list later I’m feeling pretty content.
I think I’m pretty set for the next little while with this new stash I’ve picked up. But, for future reference–any book recommendations?
I woke up missing my right sock like I have since I was a babbby.I ate my birthday dinner at the McBrides!
I lauffed (yes, lauffed) really hard ’cause of Simon..
I got a balloon bouquet from my M&D. LOOOVE
&& flowers from Alex
I hung out with my friends alll day and then went to the Dodo for dinner! MMMMM
I got a traditional naughty cake!
I celebrated Stef’s birthday with her at midnight!
Went to Vegass
With J & D to visit and stay with Meli!
Amazing view off her balcony, huh?
I drove with the windows down!
I jumped into love sacs đŸ™‚
I had fun with my besties and Sista at dinner at Firefly and Thunder from Down Under haa haa haa
I said “bye” to Meli and drove back to UT.
I chilled with all my buddies when I got home!
I started bbq season with my roomies!
..and lastly, I left the fridge, dishwasher, and a drawer open AND I left the water on just like my old teenage self. I haven’t changed a bit!
My birthday was amazing and I had a blast in Vegas. Life is gooooood.
p.s. has anyone else been listening to cudi zone on repeat? ‘CAUSE I HAVE.