Ouch, Charlie!

Remember when I cut my pinkie toe on the edge of my ikea bedframe? No? Well, let me refresh your memory…

After innocently going to the kitch to get a bottle of water I stumbled into that hotmess! Mind you I couldn’t wear any type of footwear for at least a week and a half. Ahhh..

So that injury has long since healed…which is perfect to announce my newest addition to cutting my toes…

After moving into Harvard Ave last week I was moving some of the last stuff over from my apartment yesterday and when I went to close the front door and I cut my big toe!! GROSS.

the evil door!

Any special rememdies anyone has to offer in quick healing send them ova!

Till next time/injury,


Oh p.s. look how cute my new room is!!

Oh summmerrrr….

The bbq a few weeks ago was a blast!!

Jack-attack and Frrreeddd had fun being on the news at the Clark Planetarium after we went to the pink floyd lasa show!

No Doubt kicked A on Monday! Gwen is such a babe.

I got a new blackberry!!

I’m jobless and counting down the days until the sims 3 comes out. Someone please gimme something to do πŸ™‚


Dear Pigeon,

I hope that you had an amazing mother’s day. I wish you were here right now so I could smother you like a burrito. Today more than ever I looked around and wanted to call and thank you for giving me such an amazing family. You are oustanding and I love you more than you’ll ever know.

This one’s for you, Pige.

I did it!

This morning I officially finished my first year of college! On a good note too, I got an A on my last final for my psych class! Yippeee!

I am so excited that summer is here! In fact, the house is hosting it’s first BBQ this Saturday! I can’t wait.

Last summa’s bbq crew.

In other news, my phlebotomy class that I started last month has been pretty interesting and hopefully I will be working for IHC as a phlebotomist this summer!

I have completed 6 successful blood draws so far πŸ™‚

Hope all is well πŸ™‚