We successfully beat Fred and John in bp last night, for the second time in history. WAY TO GO TEAM MATE.
Category Archives: heyyhotmess
Last Thursday us girls took now Elder Bellomy out to dinner at Trio. I have known Andrew since elementary school and am way sad that he will be gone for two years serving a mission in Texas. I am glad that I got to spend some time with him at dinner and also last night after he got set apart. I hope that he has a good experience on his mission! Another good friend and long time crush of ms. jack attack, Chuck also left for the MTC today to serve his mission in California. SAD!
…on Saturday we ventured up to the Utley Cabin to attend the annual hoedown! It was a blast. Thanks again Kath for letting us come up there! Hopefully we didn’t get too wild ๐
IN EXCITING NEWS: Today I saw a tree that has started to change colors and almost started crying with excitement at the thought of Fall. Not only do I plan on fully decorating the house on Harvard to the max in Fall attire, but I also plan on buying a ticket to visit beautiful Camden Maine in about one months time. Can you EVEN imagine the Fall satisfaction people who live there must get every year? I’ll let you know after I move there one day ๐
School bitz.
Tomorrow I start my 2ND year of college. SO WEIRD. This years goals are hopefully going to help me more academically and not put so much emphasis on hooking up with a teach!!
1.Go to class
2.Do homework at least before 3am of the night before it’s due
3.Meet some hotties
4.Get super sweet A’s on all tests
5.Don’t flake out on night classes!
6.Write and memorize a million flash cards
7.Don’t force Pigeon to do ANY homework for me
8.End the semester without having to retake any of the classes again
Good luck to me!
P.S. Happy One Year Anniversary(and one day) to my Blog!
Oh! P.S.S. I just walked up the stairs and peaked in on Jack-Attack. She was trying to decide what to wear tomorrow- she was checking her outfit out in her mirror, wearing two different pairs of shoes, and sportin’ some teeth whitening trays. 14Th grade here she comes!