Attempt at photo assignment # 4

For my next photo assignment we were given a select number of poems and asked to photograph what one/all meant to you.

Seeing as this assignment isn’t due for another week (go me on being proactive!) I thought I’d try out as many ideas as I came up with.


Inspired by this poem..

Last Month
A pregnant thunder cloud
Broke water
High above Brazil,
Pouring sheets of wet glass
Over desiccated orange trees.

At breakfast this morning
You drank the juice of those trees,
And rivulets of Brazilian rainwater
Began flowing
Through your veins.

Who says
The environment
Is faceless?

Listen closely
To the quiet rhythms
Of your heart;
Each beat contains the echo
Of a distant thunder clap.


I wanted to show this concept of eating the Brazilian rain with a carrot. Here are my contact sheets seeing as there isn’t a final yet.

What do you think? How would you shoot this poem and the ideas it conjures?



p.s. check out how ghetto I am..

This I Believe..

Essay for my English 2010 class inspired by this.

When I was a young kid, I would sprawl out and latch on tightly to my trampoline. I would lay on it for hours. I would peek through the small little criss-crossing threads that made up the black mat. Gazing through these tiny squares, I would stare at the green, shadowed grass below. Intently watching it sway with the breeze, or lazily stand. I would feel the static creep in my hair and tickle my skin. When I was a young kid, I learned to appreciate taking my time, viewing life in slow, small and detailed ways. I have seen hummingbirds drink sugar-laced water out of strawberry red ornaments that hung from the sun weathered orange trees in my Grandma’s backyard. I have heard the buzzing of bees fly over me and the hum of flies’ wings as they would ferociously pump by my ears.

When I was a young teen looking for an escape, I would lie on my trampoline and search out satellites in the dark nighttime sky. Following them with my eyes, I would watch them slowly trace around my world, never skipping a beat. When I was a young adult, I had to sell my trampoline. Life sped up and no longer could I lay and inspect my life and all the interesting things that filled it from its black, comforting mat. I forgot what the stars looked like, and I missed visually painting portraits in the clouds.

Life got crazy. I had to make decisions that were all my own. I no longer had time to make tea and wait for it to cool. I was forced to burn my tongue instead. It was as if I was sitting on a merry go round that people and things in my life were spinning for me. Life became blurred. Even though I no longer have the comfort of my trampoline to perch myself on and examine the intricate details of my new, crazy world, I decided and wearily stepped off the merry go round and took a deep breath.

When I woke up this morning, I laid in my bed for ten minutes before I got up. I cooked my eggs on low and I listened to the spring birds tell their stories from the winter. I laid out my clothes before I put them on and tied my laces tight. I wrote down my wishes for the day and made promises to myself. I did not rush through yellow lights. I waited and did not smear the ink that just needed time dry. I felt the cold air bite my ears and turn my nose pink, I laughed with my friends and cried to my long distance mother. Today I again viewed my life in slow, small and detailed ways. Today I remembered I believe in taking my time.

What do YOU believe?



You know you’ve had a good weekend when you…

-Have to vacuum your kitchen floor.
-Get in a food fight with the 4&1/2 foot submarine Subway sandwich that you got for the Super Bowl
-Have to vacuum your kitchen floor. Again.
-[Permanently] get a cucumber stuck to the wall.
-Wake up with your face stuck to your pillow because of all the wing sauce it had on it when you went to sleep.
-Have gone to a Jazz game with your Dad!
-Discussed why Lady Gaga didn’t play the halftime show with a bunch of Queenies.
-Spent a colossal amount of time picking olives out of your living room carpeting.

This past weekend was a lot of fun. Mostly because of the Super Bowl yesterday. Thanks to everyone who came over..and stayed even during JS&I’s repeated rendition of Tiny Tim’s classic, “Tip Toe Through the Window”

🙂 Loves,



Feels good to be in a photo class again this semester. Point of this first assignment was to shoot things about your life. Since I put off doing the assignment until the morning it was due, I shot an orange that I was eating for breakfast, a crayon that Jackie was coloring with that was on the table, and my cute roomie that had extra time before class. Yay for effort.

Comments? Critiques?



OH, and btw Cornelius died and joined Theo Clem II in heaven.
Magnus is still kickin’ though! Atta girl.

Happy Birthday, Meli!

30 Reasons Why I love my Sista

Because she..
1. Held my hand when I was little even though I had warts.
2. Loves chatting on the phone with me and listening to all of my going-on’s.
3. Makes my hair look goooood.
4. Buys me MAC makeup and sends it to me from Vegas.
5. Still brings up when I tried to throw a can of soup at her when I was 7.
6. Used to build me couch forts in our basement.
7. Is always up for late night convos!
8. Has to plug her nose when she swims.
9. Gave me piggy back rides everywhere when I broke my leg and couldn’t walk.
10. Took me to get my ears pierced THREE times.
11. Works super hard for everything she has.
12. Does a pretty awesome rendition of Neil Diamond’s Sweet Caroline, hand motions included.
13. Has the cutest/dumbest dog in the universe.
14. Is sincere.
15. Has always been the baby, even though I’m the youngest.
16. Bruises just as easily as I do. TRANSLUCENT!
17. Always paints her toe nails purple.
18. Does this high pitched scream when she gets(doesn’t really) hurt. Adorable.
19. Gave me permanent whip lash from Road Rally Racer.
20. Is sooooo beautiful inside and out!
21. Still talks to me in her baby voice.
22. Makes the best chicken fajitas and guacamole known to man.
23. Can walk in 100 inch heels.
24. Pulled over on beck street and turned her radio up and we danced on the side of the road when I was a little kid.
25. Taught me the words to Love Fool from the Cardinals and I still know them.
26. Laughs the hardest at her own jokes.
27. Is artsy and creative and has created many paintings that I want to steal!
28. Has so much compassion and love for people.
29. Used to let me sit on her lap and drive.
30. Is 30 today and the best older sis any lil’ snatchel could ask for.

Happy Birthday, Mina. I love jew with all my heart.


Cookie Monster