Love my early morning walks on campus (when I am not running late).
Also, find a pence, pick it up, the rest of your life you’ll have good luck.
(and by pick up, I mean find in your pocket).
See you next Tuesday,
Today I went home and took a nap instead of attending my strategic writing class – these early mornings are really getting to me (I am such a wuss puss). Anyways, since I was overly sleepy from staying up late blogging studying, I was more annoyed than usual. The radio was especially bothersome – all the shit music and adverts they play, forced me to drive in silence for most of my commuting. But tonight, when I got in my car to head to J’s house to watch the latest episode of Dexter, I opened a CD case I thought had Mylo Xyloto in it – but instead had the mix CD my flatmate David made me while we were living in London together. He made me the CD a few weeks before we left, and I listened to it constantly…riding the tube to work, eating lunch on Holborn, walking through Russell Square to school, and even while drifting asleep at night.
Before I left on my grand adventure to Londontown, everyone would tell me that moving there was going to be life changing and that I was going to have the most amazing time – and it wasn’t until I got home, and the dust settled and life went on as normal, that I realized that I miss the rain, and carrying groceries home from Waitrose, and wandering the streets of little Arabia.
Listen to me 1.
Listen to me 2.
Listen to me 3.
Listen to me 4.
Listen to me 5.
My childlike sense of wonder
Where did you stand today?
I stood in a pile of leaves! I love October. It’s so beautiful around here in Utah. I want to get up in the mountains and go on a full moon chairlift ride.
P.s. I am TOTALLY going to dance to this song when my semester is over in December:
Today after the girls and I woke up and had some chocolate pancakes, we decided to go and see if there was anyway to get tickets to see Odyssey Dance Theatre’s Thriller! We went last year and had a blast. Fortunately for us, they do buy one get one free tickets on the day of a show and so I added those to cart and we got ready to go to the matinee showing.
Reasons why I love THRILLER from Odyssey:
1. I love Michael Jackson.
2. I love watching dancer’s do the Thriller dance.
3. I love the dance with the Frankensteins, and the Irish dancers at the end.
Reasons why I hate THRILLER from Odyssey:
1.They hit a sweet spot with me that will probably make me decide to not go back in future years – they did some overly long clown skit and offensively gestured to the clown being crazy. I don’t know why, but it really turned me off, and ruined the end of the show for me. It wasn’t even funny, clever, or important – but it was added anyways…and it kind of broke my heart.
Other than that, the rest of the 2 hours and 45 minutes were quite good. Melinda came with us this year, and she enjoyed it and so did the girls.
What do you think?
Tonight is the annual Halloween sleepover with my cute nieces Emily & Noelle. Last year we ordered pizza, decorated sugar cookies, and watched Casper! This year, feeling in the Halloween spirit and having time to peruse pinterest, I set up a spooky evening!
Our menu for dinner was:
Chicken fingers with fettucine Alfredo:Â (how gross do these look??)
I cut chicken tenders into finger like strips and then added sliced almonds that had been dyed red with food coloring. Â (I put a few drops of red food coloring into the bottom of a plastic cup and then added the almonds and shook the color onto them.) I then added the “nails” to the uncooked chicken simply by sticking them into the chicken. If I were to do this again, I would maybe try adding the nails AFTER the chicken was done cooking, because as they cooked, some of the dye got onto other parts of the finger! You can also try different colors for the nails.
I found this idea on Pinterest – I used store bought breadstick dough and cut the ends in half and folded them up to look like bones. Pretty yummy!
Spooky Shirley Temples:
At Target I bought a $3 pack of plastic spiders and then added them to my ice-cube trays and froze the spiders into ice cubes! I did try a few different variations of freezing techniques because the first batch the spiders had all floated to the top and some of their legs ‘n stuff were sticking out of the ice. On the second batch, I put the spiders into the trays and then added half water and let them freeze, then I added the other half of the water and then froze again. The 2nd batch worked much better because the spiders were more in the middle of the ice-cube, but when it came down to it, it didn’t matter. All of them looked super creepy!Then we added these cubes to a Shirley Temple mixture of Sprite, grenadine, and maraschino cherries! YUM!
After dinner we headed over to the Gateway to see Frankenweenie!
It is SUCH a cute movie. I love it.
After the movie we headed back to my house and got ready to eat the dessert that Cari and the girls brought! They made me close my eyes as they got everything ready and then they presented me with this:
Since recovering from that delicious/frightening dessert we have painted Halloween nails, watched Teen Witch, and are now winding down watching The Babysitter’s Club. Very good night indeed! I love these little witches!
Happy Friday,