
I want this to cover a whole wall in my house:

I love Rob France! I first fell in love with him/his art in a booth at the Salt Lake City Arts Fest a few years ago and I have been following him intently ever since. I can’t wait until the day I own a few pieces of his.

Until then I will just continue to stalk/like every new piece of art he posts on his Facebook Page and frequent his website galleries on the regular.



Shake it out.

Totally into Flo + the Machine, Coldplay, and Kings of Leon right now. (what else is new?)
Listen to me 1.
Listen to me 2.
Listen to me 3.

Totally into having a fresh balsam and vanilla snowflake candle constantly burning in my house. (smells SOOOO good.)

Totally into hanging out with my family. Today we celebrated my baby nephew Elliot’s 4th birthday! (not such a baby anymore, huh?)

Totally into black friday/cyber monday shopping. (I think all the hours spent perusing Amazon may or may not have ruined my 20/15 vision.)

Totally into losing and not being able to find my apple tv remote. (honestly, where the hell did it go?)

Anyways, back to school tomorrow for one week and then it is finals! (I am currently throwing up.)



Happy Thanksgiving!

Had a great holiday with my family. Went and slept over on Wednesday night at Cari’s house and went to Twilight with Cari, Jyl, and Mark! So cheesy/good. Then on Thursday I lounged around with the kids while the grown ups got dinner ready! Missed my parents as always.



Also, Happy 85th Birthday, GMAS! Miss your sass!

Dear Rob Brezsny,

Thank you for your hilarious/sometimes sadly spot on horoscope column that appears each week in my copy of City Weekly.

Just FYI, I have flung rice on myself every day since I read your column for the first time this September.

Yours truly,


Here are some of my fave from this fall:

But like, what do these even MEAN? Read your horoscope here: Free Will Astrology.