halloween holy.

It’s the moooost wonderful tiiiime of the yeeeaar! Wooohoo. Welcome to crisp fall air, leaves fluttering, halloween playlist on pandora blasting, and snuggling in my snuggie. Octob, novemb, and decemb are BY FAR the best three months of the year. So much celebrating, cheersing, decorating. I love all of it.

Since I think I have FINALLY recovered from Halloweekend 2009…I am now ready to partake in EVERYTHING/ANYTHING Halloween related.

Beetlejuice has been filling my life with joy since 1996. I am working on a monologue in witch (see what I did there?) I recite, verbatim, the entire first half of the movie.

YUM! Boo! Boo! Boo!

Now go and scare the shit out of someone,


September recap

In September I….

Babysat my sissy’s new pup

..went to AZ with Meli and…

Almost died laughing

Visited the JR High that was named after my gramps

Ate a million cheese crisps

Watched the Utes get cream-puffed by ASU
(on the inside I was crying)

Flew home on Alligent Air on the first commercial flight in/out of Ogden airport with the cutest flight attendant (my aunt judith)

Since back in Utah I…
Gave a piggyback ride to this little chipmunk

Volunteered at the Cancer Awareness Expo

Watched Simon during his freshman year homecoming marching band routine

Partied with twsift for her graduation from Westminster

Went bowling at school instead of studying for my Advert test

Laughed at this bird for wearing stilettos in the student section for the whole 4 hour football game



What is and what will be.

“It would be an excellent time for you to elope, even if you do so with the person to whom you’re already mated. You might also consider the possibility of wearing a wedding dress everywhere you wander, even if there is no marriage ceremony in your immediate future, and even if you’re a man. And if neither of those ideas appeals to you, please at least do something that will symbolize your intention to focus on intimacy with an intensified sense of purpose. Fling rice at yourself. Seek out someone who’ll give you lessons in how to listen like an empathetic genius. Compose and recite vows in which you pledge to become an utterly irresistible and reliable ally.”

City Weekly + Daily Utah Chronicle REALLY cracked me up this week.

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