Guess what.

I love sweet tarts, but only the red ones.

Every time I finish a book I close the back cover in a “hell yeah, I’m done” slapping kind of way.

I love Christmas music and I listen to it from the second Halloween is over till they stop playing The Christmas Story on repeat on TV.

I totally bawled in that episode of Grey’s Anantomy when the bus victim flashed the 007 sign and Dr. Grey figured out that it was George. WOAH.

NYC instant nail polish, ya know the kind that costs 1.29, is the best nail polish out there.

Although slightly ashamed to admit, I am excited to see the new Twilight movie.

Cranberry + lemon + ice is my favorite drink.

I want a nikon 1 for Christmas. Google it.

I love you.




Did halloween feel like halloween to you? I don’t know. Usually Halloween is my favorite holiday to start off the holiday season – and this year way more than last I just wasn’t that into it. Normally, I celebrate a Halloweekend and go crazy dressing up every night.

Am I getting old? Am I over it? I don’t know…but apparently I’m not old enough to not get scared shitless from Paranormal Activity 3. I can proudly say that for the first time since Saturday I slept without my TV/lamp on.


Ya know, maybe it was the holiday phase one floor set I did at BBW on Sunday night. I had the great job of window displays and staple-gunning the adorable disco/holiday balls to the ceiling. I’m just glad that unlike the Southtowne store that had to hang 121 balls we only had 15! YAY for being a low ranking store.

I love this time of year. What is your fave part of the holidays?

I can’t wait to put a Christmas tree in my new apt. YAY.



P.s. I am barfing right now. Yes, this is Justin Bieber singing my favorite Christmas song with Mariah Carey.