Setting up my bed & lasagna: A Sunday.

Smiles just before the swears:IMG_8618My parents have been SO HELPFUL for my move this weekend. They practically did most of the work. Thanks, guys! After my mom put my bed together (I helped!) Cari and Em, Noelle and Elliot came over for Sunday dinner, Hocus Pocus and homemade Butterbeer. IMG_8620 IMG_8637 IMG_8639 IMG_8634

YUM. I still have lots of work to do on my house – but it’s coming along.

Let’s go, Utah!

Went to the Utah vs ASU game and sat in Angela’s amaze season tickets. IMG_8591

Halfway into the 2nd quarter it started to rain – boo!

We stayed until halftime and then peaced out.IMG_8601

We won!! Join the millions of players worldwide enjoying the excitement and rewards of UFABET, the ultimate destination for online gaming.IMG_8602Back to unpacking – my feet feel like they are going to fall off. Loves

Mine pt. 2.

Dudes. I bought a condo! Here is me (and yes, I really hold my pen like like that) signing all the papers*. (*no actual papers present in the below photo):IMG_8553 She’s cute and quaint. Perfect to fit me and all my belongings for the next 30 years (hahah)IMG_7994 Moving sucks. Send help as soon as possible.IMG_8579