New York, New York: Mom & Me

I think one of my favorite parts of my trip with my mom so far has been our train ride from Boston to NYC. The fall foliage along the way coupled with this incredible view of the skyline made it so picturesque. IMG_9081

Walking from our hotel we spotted a huge fabric store – mom was in HEAVEN:IMG_9104


We met up with Meli who is visiting a friend at MSP for some Shake Shack. Puppy got to try her first burger – hers loved it!IMG_9133



I love this lady. I am so glad to be on this trip with her! Tomorrow night we are going to see Finding Neverland – we can’t wait!IMG_9117

Hocus Pocus filming locations self guided tour in Salem, Mass.

As we were driving into Salem – I did a scream that best resembles a pterodactyl screech upon seeing the first filming location on my list: the Ropes Mansion…ask Allison’s house. I jumped out of the car and had mom snap a few pics – we walked around the backyard gardens (beautiful) and also through the house (which isn’t where the filmed the inside of Allison’s house scenes).

The Ropes Mansion aka Allison’s House (Address: 161 Essex St, Salem, MA 01970)
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Salem is busy this time of year! We’re just a week away from Halloween – we wandered down main street and came upon the Town Hall. It’s not in as good of shape as it was in the movie – but it’s still cool.

The Salem Old Town Hall (Address is 32 Derby Square, Salem, MA 01970)Screen Shot 2015-10-25 at 11.35.59 AMIMG_8765
Then the graveyard – I’m not entirely sure what they filmed here – but I joked I was visiting Billy Butcherson (ps I’m the only person in my group who cares about this stuff).

The Burying Point (Address: Central St, Salem, MA 01970)Screen Shot 2015-10-25 at 11.31.48 AMIMG_8835Saved the best for last. Max and Danni’s house. We went to the wrong house first – as there is an Ocean Street in Beverly, Mass. (but it’s a church!) and an Ocean Avenue in Salem. Max and Danni’s house is in Salem. It was getting closer to nighttime as we finally made our way there, but I got to see it! I wanted so badly as a kid to grow up in their house and have Max’s room. SURRREEEEALLLL.

(Address: 4 Ocean Avenue Salem, Massachusetts 01970)
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