Category Archives: 2015
They’re here!
My time with puppy.
Waiting in the FREEZING cold for her to deux her business.Catching up on Apple TV after not having the internet for a month:
Just chillin:
A neighbors dog that wanted to eat her like a scooby snack. OVER MY DEAD BODY:
I mean….:
Hangin’ at glama’s & glampa’s:
“I won’t look at the camera”:
It was the best of times.
home sweet home.
24 hours at work.
My work does this super cool thing. I got to participate in it and went for the full 24-hours. I remained alert and alive…I got a little out of it around 5:49 am:
#zzZZZzzz then looked fully nuts towards the end:
It was worth it though. Such a crazy cool community of people supporting sick and injured kids.