Happy birthday, you little string cheese.

It’s your 12th birthday today! Can you believe it? You’re finally 12. I just wanted to say, here, on the interwebs for all time and eternity that this day is special not only for you, but for me. I was 13 years old when you were born. I remember getting called out of English class to a phone call at the front desk announcing your arrival. I have loved you from the very start. You are funny, smart and whitty – and seem to get more of each of those things each year. I cherish you! Please don’t ever become too cool for me 🙂

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Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Even though it’s warm and it truly feels like last April still (I can’t grasp that’s it’s almost the end of the year) I ventured out to get a Christmas tree to try and invite some holiday spirit into my cold, dark soul. I have some GREAT and hilarious memories of tree retrievals in the past. Let’s just take a little looksie back:

2011: It was me and Jackie at Lowe’s quite near by. I blasted Oh Christmas Tree from my car speakers – Jackie did all the work.

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree - from the past. 2150 Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree - from the past. 2165

2012: I needed help getting my tree and the first person that popped in my mind, was Mark. He put the pedal to the medal and booked it to my house – we ventured over to Lowe’s and he helped me! I took this photo of him, one of my favorites and said that “my brother can beat up your brother.” Oh-Christmas-Treeeee

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree - from the past. 0047

2013: In New York and Jesika and I When Harry Met Sally’d it together (minus Harry). Many laughs were had carrying that fresh cut tree the 8 blocks to my NYC apartment. I think it was snowing? Either way, NYC is the most magical this time of year. Loved coming home to this little tree.Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree - from the past. 0957 Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree - from the past. 0958 Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree - from the past. 0949Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree - from the past. 1052

2014: Jackie and I were at it again – this time at Costco. We really made the Costco tree employee laugh. Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree - from the past. 0157 Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree - from the past. 0177

This year it was just me. I went to Lowe’s – the same one i’ve been to, and picked out my tree. I didn’t want one too big, small enough to ride shot gun (crying laughing):
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree Dec. 6, 2015 858
Brought her home and puppy and I decorated her:Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree Dec. 6, 2015 910

It’s still not beginning to feel a lot like Christmas, but hey, I’m trying.

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree Dec. 6, 2015 920 Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree Dec. 6, 2015 924 Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree Dec. 6, 2015 925