Family home evening brought to you by Boscia.

Want to pull out every bit of dirt that has ever creeped its way into your pores? Try out this painful as shit to take off fun luminizing black mask! It has a sort of minty/relaxing scent (not too strong) and hardens in about 30 minutes. Giving you plenty of time to take a few hundred selfies, vines, and have J do your glitter toes:
Boscia face mask July 21, 2014 901

Boscia face mask July 21, 2014 876
Word of warning though – LISTEN when it says to avoid your eyebrows and eyes (it’s kind of like putting an entire biore nose strip on your face). Jackie’s came off in one piece… Boscia face mask July 21, 2014 913 Boscia face mask July 21, 2014 917
My mask on the other hand…
Boscia face mask July 21, 2014 925(yes, there were tears).

Try your own today!
Boscia face mask July 21, 2014 873



My week in pictures

Enjoyed a Sunday night gaze from the McBride trampoline:
A Week in Pictures July 1-July 7, 2014  533

My chickens and I made a summer teux deux list:A Week in Pictures July 1-July 7, 2014  578

It’s SO GOOD to be able to see my J. Distance sure made my heart grow fonder (as if it could grow anymore, cause I sure love this little slice of shit)

A Week in Pictures July 1-July 7, 2014  477

I mean, really:A Week in Pictures July 1-July 7, 2014  495In other news: HELLO, SNOW CONE THAT FELL DIRECTLY FROM HEAVEN (aka the Hokulia shave ice truck on South Main in Bountiful):A Week in Pictures July 1-July 7, 2014  493Again…I mean, really? Katie suggested a pineapple and strawberry daiquiri combo with a little sno cap (sweetened condensed milk (EW, RIGHT?)) and it was DELISH. Like, even though I could feel myself slipping into a sugar induced dream like state – I couldn’t/never wanted to stop enjoying the simple pleasures in life like ENJOYING A DAMN SHAVE ICE WITH YOUR BESTIE AND A BEAUTIFUL SUNSET:
A Week in Pictures July 1-July 7, 2014  478

Moving on…I have been collecting so many freckles. And maxi swim dresses. And getting my money’s worth from my favorite sunblock from La Roche-Posay. It’s the best. My favorite from the line is the Anthelios SPF 60 Ultra Light Sunscreen Fluid – it’s the first sunscreen that doesn’t make my face feel super oily and gross and since I have super pale, East Coast skin, I need some serious protection from any/all UVs:
A Week in Pictures July 1-July 7, 2014  434 In addition to the SPF I also started wearing this sups cute floppy hat (yes, I am THAT pale):
A Week in Pictures July 1-July 7, 2014  448Celebrated the 4th of July with boo bear and some Eaglewood fireworks!:
A Week in Pictures July 1-July 7, 2014  514This is my favorite firework, JIC you were wondering:A Week in Pictures July 1-July 7, 2014  565Okay. She’s the most ridiculous. I AM SO IN LOVE.
A Week in Pictures July 1-July 7, 2014  588Spotted: Tiny Dancer at 5th of July Sugarhouse BBQ:
A Week in Pictures July 1-July 7, 2014  597Sunday night mind blown:A Week in Pictures July 1-July 7, 2014  642I’ve decided moving is the worst thing in the whole world:A Week in Pictures July 1-July 7, 2014  643 I CAN’T EVEN LOOK AT THIS PHOTO:A Week in Pictures July 1-July 7, 2014  656

Fun week in UT.

I love you,