It’s always treat o’clock where I come from:
It’s always treat o’clock where I come from:
Last weekend I ventured up to the beautiful Snowbird Ski Resort with Ang & Andrea to see an outdoor movie screening of Hook. I love that movie. Every time I watch it I cry because it fills me with nostalgia, love, and admiration and true appreciation for the word imagination.
Before the movie began, everyone was bustling around getting comfy, getting treats – but the second the opening title started there was silence. I thought to myself how strange/neat it would be to be Robin Williams and know that at any moment, any place in the whole world people would make an effort to sit and enjoy as a community something that I helped create…that at any time some 24-year-old girl from Utah would be crying with her friends and hundreds of strangers in a canyon – so overwhelmed with longing to go to a place like Neverland and be a kid forever.
Sending love to those who are sad and feel alone: