Crafting made me do it (thrice)

Again, it all started after I was browsing Pottery Barn Teen late at night* and found these cute pinboards for a cool $119. YEAH, RIGHT. Pinboards Nov. 19, 2014 03 At Michaels, I bought a cork roll, a wooden 9″ heart , and a big wooden B. First, I** cut the cork roll in the shape of my wooden heart and B. Then I*** hot glued it on:!Pinboards Nov. 19, 2014 03 Next, I**** covered the heart (going to work on the B later with some different fabric) with fabric and hot glued it on – wrapping it around and gluing it onto the back of the board:Pinboards Nov. 19, 2014 04

Pinboards Nov. 19, 2014 05 Then I got some of my painted wooden circles I made or magnets and hot glued them onto tacs: Pinboards Nov. 19, 2014 06
Finished product is SUPER CUTE. I am planning to do a big collage on the wall above my headboard:
Pinboards Nov. 19, 2014 07

Craft on,


*On ambien
**And by me, I mean my mom
***And by me, I mean my mom
****And by me, I mean my mom

Ain’t nothing to it, crafting made me do it (again)

I’m back! First off, let me just make a public apology to my dear parents, whom I have caused great grief the past few days every time I walk in their door with a bag from Michaels. I have turned their beautiful home into a crafting vomit pile:
Magnets Nov. 18, 2014 78
Today’s craft? Magnets for my cute magnet board I made. Remember?
Magnets Nov. 18, 2014 82
I got some black and gold paint, paintbrushes, wooden B’s, magnets, and little wooden circles:Magnets Nov. 18, 2014 90

Magnets Nov. 18, 2014 78
I played around with some loose glitter as well as cutting out some glitter card stock. I made a bunch of magnets:
Magnets Nov. 18, 2014 92 My mom even humored me:
Magnets Nov. 18, 2014 80 I am thinking of making this into a vision board, of sorts:Magnets Nov. 18, 2014 95 Now, if someone could just come over and help me hang it, we’d be good to go.

p.s. Merry Christmas:
Magnets Nov. 18, 2014 86



I took my love and took it down
I climbed a mountain and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills
Till the landslide brought me down

Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?

Listen to me.


Ain’t nothing to it, crafting made me do it

Why buy something when you can make it yourself instead? That’s a familiar idea I am sure many crafters have had before – not me…until I moved into my new house and realized how much $$$$ I would spend buying all the things I wanted. i.e. basically everything from here. One Monday mid-morning (the day we had off after the Champions tour) I dragged my mom to Ikea to do some shopping. Whilst there, I found the fabric section and was inspired to remake these cute pinboards – after winding through the store, I came up with the below. . .and without further ado, I give you the How to Make Your Own Super Cute Beetlejuice/Pottery Barn Teen Inspired Magnet Board:

First, you will need to go to Ikea and purchase one magnet board and approximately 1 yard of fabric (it will give you some leftovers.)

Cut the fabric a little wider than the sides and a little longer the ends:Ikea Magnet Board Nov. 11, 201435
Get your hot glue gun ready and put the glue all the way down the back and hold pressure:
Ikea Magnet Board Nov. 11, 201431

Ikea Magnet Board Nov. 11, 201437
Repeat on both sides and the ends. You can cut the corners to make the ends glue down better.
Ikea Magnet Board Nov. 11, 201433
Ikea Magnet Board Nov. 11, 201449

Ikea Magnet Board Nov. 11, 201451

Pro tip: for best results, make this magnet board with a cute mom and cute nails.
Ikea Magnet Board Nov. 11, 201454