Oh Christmas tree, oh Costco Christmas Tree

It’s the most wonderful timeeeee of the yeeeeeeear. Jackie and I met my mom at Costco and purchased a Christmas tree. We had some trouble picking one out. . .NOT:Oh Christmas Tree Dec. 3, 2014 145 Just kidding. Jackie took the lead on tying the tree to my car, which was BLASTING Oh Christmas Tree. Oh Christmas Tree Dec. 3, 2014 148 We* got it all tied on and headed home to decorate it:Oh Christmas Tree Dec. 3, 2014 157 Jackie named her Billie Holiday. We love him.Oh Christmas Tree Dec. 3, 2014 165 Me maybe a little too much?Oh Christmas Tree Dec. 3, 2014 162The decoration and lighting process:Oh Christmas Tree Dec. 3, 2014 170

Oh Christmas Tree Dec. 3, 2014 172Oh Christmas Tree Dec. 3, 2014 179Oh Christmas Tree Dec. 3, 2014 183
What. a. babe.
Oh Christmas Tree Dec. 3, 2014 202

happy black friday

Well, my bank account isn’t too happy. But I sure am! I got lots of great stuff to help me with the holidays and to overall enjoy my life. I.e. a little 32″ TV to go in my messy room:Treat yo' self - Black Friday Nov. 28, 2014 111 And the most exciting, a Silhouette cutting machine! I got it after my failed attempt at making my own stencils:
Treat yo' self - Black Friday Nov. 28, 2014 053

Treat yo' self - Black Friday Nov. 28, 2014 056 Got such a good deal on Whipperberry:Treat yo' self - Black Friday Nov. 28, 2014

Can’t wait to not be able to figure out how to use it!
