Rang in the New Year with J and Andrea at Kyle’s house. Before midnight, things were getting a little out of control (take your headphones off and turn down your speakers before watching the below video….)
What followed was an impressive move, only done by professionals:
Cheers to you!
I love j:
Yay 2015!
Have a good year! Make it count!
Category Archives: 2014
Year in review 2014
This year has FLOWN by. It’s crazy to think that this time last year, I was laying on my parent’s couch in Guatemala watching Overboard or some other amazing rom com with my dad after going to dinner at an amazing restaurant over looking the city. I was living and working in New York City and was feeling as empowered as ever to create an amazing life. My theme for 2014 was All the Things. I wanted to say “yes” and I wanted to try and do new things – experience this crazy world. I feel like I have both succeeded and failed at my theme. My brother passed away early in the year, and not to say that’s an excuse, but it definitely changed what my initial idea of All the Things was. It forced me to try and feel all the things and remember all the things about him, my family and myself that I love and care about. In that case, I succeeded. I feel like I know myself in a different way – a better way. I still haven’t quite figured out my 2015 theme – until then, let’s look back at my year.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas! Meli and I slept over at Cari’s house. All the kids (minus simon – including me and melinda) slept downstairs together. I woke up about 8 hundred times cause I was SO EXCITED.
Christmas morning, waiting on the stairs:
The tree and all the presents were so beautiful! I love Christmas! My mom and dad drove to Stansbury to open presents and then we all headed to their house in Bountiful for Christmas dinner! Look at my mom and her cute new boots I got her:
It snowed a bunch – a White Christmas.
I love my family! It was an amazing day – so grateful for everything and all the wonderful people I have in my life.
Christmas Eve!
Nothing says Merry Christmas Eve like a sultry selfie. I am really liking my hair color these days – thanks, sissy! I’m the worst.
Now, check out my ornaments:
1. From Universal Orlando – really loved my time spent there these past two summers:
2. Bought this at Walt Disney World during Champions14:
3. When M&D and I went to Maine during summer 2013:
4. Bought after our wreath laying ceremony at Arlington National Ceremony during Champions14:
5. Adopted this relic from my grandma’s tree:
9. Bought in Islands of Adventure at Universal Orlando. I remember I went to see the Grinch in a theatre off of 2600 south with my brother Mark. I don’t know if I will ever be able to watch it again – but I love this ornament and how it will remind me how much I love the Grinch!:
10. I sure love this tree and all of my ornaments I have collected over the years:
Home for the holidays.
Back in UT after a week of vaca and Christmas is approaching swiftly. On Monday night, Meli and pups came up for family din. I made a bunch of Christmas presents using my silhouette machine! After I had someone help me get it ready, it’s worked like a charm! Feel like I will be a pro in about 5-10 years.
I used the gold foil to print out this prezzie for Stef. I placed it on black card stock and then into a frame from ikea. Isn’t she beautiful?
On Tuesday we did out secret santa gift exchange – I got the mother load! How thoughtful is this gift? Christmas socks, sassy cross stitch, Beetlejuice tote? I DIE. After work I met Justeen for our 4th annual (skipped last year, shhhh) Ballet West Nutcracker. It was so good!
Then J and I hosted a girl’s night at our house. I wanted to show off our cute Christmas decorations. J made this beautiful spread:
We opened presents (in that box is a black keys sweater that I literally haven’t taken off in five days. literally.)
Then we used my selfie stick I got from work to get some group shots: