About Brooke

I am pretty sarcastic and I don't like people who eat their food weird.

Day five: looking for George Clooney’s house.

But first, dealing with this:TRAVEL NOTE: do not leave your sun hat casually in the backseat of your rental car whilst in Milan or it will probs result in a broken window. SO GLAD that nothing else was in there (and that they left my sun hat!) After taking a long detour to get a new car, we made it to Lake Como:

Where we cried cause it’s so amazing. And ate at the most beautiful restaurant.

If I had to have a meal every day for the rest of my life, it’d be the pasta I got here. And the bread basket.

I wish we had more time to spend here. It’s incredible! But, we wanted to check off another country, so we left this beautiful lake and headed for another one….in Switzerland.

Brent and I ended the night with a bike ride through Milan to the beautiful Duomo. I really wanted to see it lit up at night — it did not disappoint.

These smiles are legit, but also can you sense that we almost killed each other? Biking in a foreign country is stressful, y’all!

Also, my niece posted this on social cause they’re in Venice HAHAH. Excited to meet up with all my family soon!

Day four: Milano!!

Things I did today: played DJ and podcast player in the car, took pictures of the GORGEOUS Italian scenery, walked a half block to get an AMAZING pizza and wine, ventured around Milan with babesalot, ATE GELATO OBVIOUSLY.

Day three: I am a scoop of gelato.

Bye, Italy! Hello, road trip to Viareggio! 

With a pit stop here:

It’s so hot here you guys. But it’s nice and humid by the water. My skin is SO HYDRATED. For dinner, I sported a cute new dress I got on ASOS and a sunhat (haha):

This place is so beautiful. I wish we had more time here (and an endless piggy bank) to rent one of these beach cabanas during the day.


Day 2: Italy

Visited The Great Synagogue of Rome:

The Colosseum:

Walked around A LOT.  Saw the Colosseum at night:After getting pasta with these two:

Wore an outfit that matched the couch AND my drink:
Most of all: spent quality time with this guy.

Not pictured: Brent and I getting in a fight cause not everyone travels the same (haha!) BUT, the moral of the story is, we worked it out and compromised.

Off to Rome we go!

Woah this place is AMAZING! The architecture and the busy city life is a cool combo. After we arrived to our hotel we got right to business: got pizza. Then we rested up (but not too long!!!) and headed to The Vatican. It was INCREDIBLE.  

The place is HUGE and I could spend 100 posts sharing all the pics I took. But I’ll save you the boredom and encourage you to make a trip to see it yourself! By the afternoon, we were feeling preeeeeetty tired — so we broke the cardinal jetlag rule and took a snooze. Then we mustered the energy to get back out and about:

Piazzas are the city squares in Italy. They’re usually adorned with a gorgeous fountain. We walked through a few!…you might recognize this fountain I threw a few coins in, with a hope that I come back one day! I took a video of it for my one second a day video and accidentally recorded before we threw it in and then turned it off right at the moment…DOH. Oh well. It’s more about the memories I have. I love this picture of me that Brent took:

In this moment, I felt SO much gratitude for where I am (physically) but also just generally in my life right now. I am a lucky girl and I can’t wait to keep exploring this beautiful country with my love and family.

Also, we may or may not have ended the night with some wine!