We boarded our redeye flight to MCO and I snuggled right up and slept the whole time: We napped in the skyclub and ate a few of the delicious french toasts (I had like eight of them) and then got our rental car and drove to the Kennedy Space Center to explore:
I went a few years ago with my mom and LOVED it and knew my guy would love it too!
After spending most of the day blowing our minds, we drove to Tampa and called it an early evening at Brent’s grandparents home. I could DIE at how much it reminded me of my grandparent’s house in Arizona. I remember very distinctly that we, without fail, would book a private jet to the house in Arizona every second week of October and land at their house, and reminisce. Honestly got a bit teary-eyed at being able to be in a home like theirs again. The next morning, we got ready to go to our first NFL football game!
It’s a lot warmer in Fla. than Utah — had to bust out my shorty shorts! After the game, we napped and got presentable to get some delish Cuban food at Columbia with Brent’s aunt and uncle. I got a realllly good dinner with chicken and some yellow rice!
The next day, we hung around and had coffee and life lessons with the gpas and then drove to Walt Disney in the afternoon to enjoy some magic:
It was so much fun! We lucked out hardcore and got on every ride we wanted to, saw the evening fireworks FROM a roller coaster and had fun eating overpriced popcorn together. For the rest of our trip, we hung with Brent’s fam and worked remotely. I was sad to leave!
Till next time,
PS shout out to babez for allowing me to use him as a human pillow on any/all flights we have together. I also think he ditched first class just so he could sit with me and be annoyed. <3