Running from…errr..for the law.

While in the car on the way to the law day 5k run, I thought it necessary to share my fears with the rest of the group (dad and melinda) including: having to use a porta potty during the race. Melinda quickly reminded me how far a 5K was and that there probably wouldn’t be a porta potty to use for a race that could be ran in less than 20 minutes. Which lead me to expressing (unsolicited, I might add) fear number 2: not having a porta potty to use, should I need one.

Needless to say, I was a wreck before the race:

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During the race, which was basically uphill both ways, I started getting adrenaline pumping and was quite enjoying the company of my dad and sis UNTIL, they started talking politics, and thank goodness this was on the decline portion because I literally started running (yes, running) away from their political conversation and ended up beating them by 5 minutes.

How cute are we? I want to cry when I see this photo because I love my dad – he’s the greatest man.Law day run! May 14, 2016 4887

Really quite proud of myself for making it (I AM SO LAZY) and feel like I want to train to be able to do a little better next time around. After the race, pups and I took a long, long nap that took me what felt like a month to completely wake up from:Law day run! May 14, 2016 3749

Got all dolled up to see my nephew Simon perform at Abravanel Hall in the Youth Symphony. It was amazing, he was amazing, people with passion are amazing.
Law day run! May 14, 2016 3760

Good little weekend, if I do say so myself.


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