Helllllllo, LA!

When in California for a cool work trip, do a Warner Brothers studio tour!
Warner Brothers Studio Tour. May 23, 2016 2125 The back lots where they shoot and have shot so many shows I love and watch (hello, gilmore girls, shameless and true blood!!!) was really cool. There were different exhibits to visit as well, like Harry Potter. No post on Sunday:Warner Brothers Studio Tour. May 23, 2016 4039 Luke’s truck from GG, just chilling in the parking lot.Warner Brothers Studio Tour. May 23, 2016 2082 On the “set” of Friends with my friends:Warner Brothers Studio Tour. May 23, 2016 4654 Just a group of gaggling gals:Warner Brothers Studio Tour. May 23, 2016 4658_2 The gazebo in Gilmore Girls. Yes, I’m crying:
Warner Brothers Studio Tour. May 23, 2016 2091 Hanging with Rory and Lorelai. Don’t mind me.Warner Brothers Studio Tour. May 23, 2016 2119It was a lot of fun -unfortunately Pretty Little Liars was filming in “Stars Hollow” so we didn’t get to drive through, although our tour guide tried to get us as close as possible.

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